"Spike Lee" Gidgee Skink

Gidgee Skink (Egernia stokesii) Information & Care Sheet

Origin & Natural Habitat:
The Gidgee Skink is native to arid and semi-arid regions of Australia, where it inhabits rocky outcrops, woodlands, and spinifex grasslands. These social skinks live in small family groups, often sheltering in rock crevices or hollow logs for protection.

Characteristics & Appearance:
Gidgee Skinks have rough, spiny scales that help deter predators. They range from brown to dark olive, often with lighter speckling, and grow to around 8-10 inches in length. They have strong limbs and a robust body, making them excellent climbers.

Lifespan & Temperament:
With proper care, Gidgee Skinks can live 15-25 years in captivity. They are generally docile but can be defensive when threatened. While they tolerate handling, they thrive best with minimal stress.

Diet & Nutrition:
Gidgee Skinks are omnivorous, eating a mix of leafy greens, vegetables, flowers, and insects like crickets, mealworms, and small roaches. A calcium and vitamin supplement should be added to their diet.

Housing & Care:
A 40-gallon enclosure (minimum) with rock hides, branches, and a sandy substrate is ideal. Maintain temperatures of 95°F to 1155°F (basking spot) and 75-80°F (ambient), with UVB lighting for health. Humidity should stay low (30-40%).

With proper care, these unique skinks make fascinating, low-maintenance reptile pets.